

Rare earth: a method for recovery from sea water discovered

Rare earth: a method for recovery from sea water discovered

Two ingredients, brewer’s yeast and a food additive, are able to recover rare earths from seawater and thermal water
Want to make sustainable aviation? Pay 21 euros more per ticket

Want to make sustainable aviation? Pay 21 euros more per ticket

A study commissioned by the industry claims that measures to achieve zero emissions in 2050 will cost 820 billion more…
Gas and atom in green taxonomy, NGOs bring EU to court

Gas and atom in green taxonomy, NGOs bring EU to court

The European Court of Justice has two cases against the European executive for having included gas and nuclear energy in…
Critical raw materials, OECD nervousness over Chinese trade restrictions

Critical raw materials, OECD nervousness over Chinese trade restrictions

The Dragon, along with several countries of Asia and Latin America, is putting severe conditions on the export of critical…
The EU also places transport in green taxonomy. But so saves fossils

The EU also places transport in green taxonomy. But so saves fossils

Brussels issues the draft delegated act introducing criteria to consider investments in aircraft and ships sustainable. T&E: too many loopholes,…
To really cut fossil subsidies in Europe we must also count those implied

To really cut fossil subsidies in Europe we must also count those implied

After the sharpest drop in 2020, fossil fuel subsidies in the Old Continent have returned to growth. Also as a…
A new coalition of companies to recycling wind turbines

A new coalition of companies to recycling wind turbines

The new Coalition for Wind Industry Circularity estimates that recycling wind turbines would open a market of 11.5 billion euros
Recycling lithium batteries efficiently and economically is now possible

Recycling lithium batteries efficiently and economically is now possible

Researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology discovered the method to recycle lithium batteries without wasting energy or using toxic…
Ecological goods are growing despite the general global trade crisis

Ecological goods are growing despite the general global trade crisis

The UN organization for trade and development has showed that the global crisis has its significant exceptions: ecological goods, those…
Greece launches “Photovoltaic on the roof”, program of democratic incentives for solar

Greece launches “Photovoltaic on the roof”, program of democratic incentives for solar

The new incentive scheme, intended for farmers and families, links incentives to the income and size of the plant. For…
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