    June 25, 2024

    In Italy, 2 generation CCS test to decarbonize cement industry

    The pilot site is the Buzzi plant in Monselice. The integration of the CCS solution…
    June 24, 2024

    Intersolar 2024: OmnisPower introduces BESS powered by AI

    After the debut to the Interporto of Padua, the system of storage to battery strengthened…
    June 23, 2024

    First EU gas sanctions from Russia arrive, but they are only worth 8 billion

    Coreper has given a green light to the 14th package of sanctions since the beginning…
    June 23, 2024

    Gas flaring, we are back to 2019 levels

    Despite global initiatives to reduce the share of gas associated with the production of oil…
    June 21, 2024

    From Sweden the ultralight structural Carbon fiber batteries

    Swedish company Sinonus is experimenting with a way to store electricity in carbon fiber batteries…
    June 20, 2024

    The promises of reducing plastic are many, the actions much less

    Global scoreboard assessing businesses' promises to reduce plastics and increase recycling paints a worrying picture
    June 20, 2024

    Best photovoltaic markets in the world, Italy enters the top ten

    Solarpower Europe publishes its Global Market Outlook showing how photovoltaic installations have grown by another…
    June 19, 2024

    The new Anker SOLIX X1 modular storage system debuts at Intersolar 2024

    Anker SOLIX, supplier number 1 of power and storage systems, will exhibit its latest news…
    June 18, 2024

    Global oil market, in 2030 we will have 8 billion barrels too

    The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) medium-term market forecast defines the amount of the "staggering" surplus.…
    June 17, 2024

    Micro Photosynthetic cells to produce energy day and night

    Created a microbial fuel cell that uses photosynthetic algae and that is able to work…
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